Monday, April 30, 2007

Spackle, Spackle, Spackle

My back hurts! My butt hurts! The back of my thighs hurt! This would start sounding kinky if it weren't about that filthy activity of SPACKLING! How I detest, loathe and just plain ole hate it!

I always look for short cuts when I do household maintenance and it is stupid because there is no such thing. Whenever you short cut you pay for it and it takes twice as long to undue, especially where spackle is concerned. It hardens and if you were too darn lazy to make sure and apply it evenly, -say, for instance you couldn't find the spackle spatula and so you used the paint stir stick - scraping off the residual, you are left with hardened "wrinkles" that now must be sanded off. If you sand too much you must spackle again to even it all and where did the damn spatula go? Oh, never mind, I'll just use the paint stick.

Standing on a ladder spackling the holes in the ceiling (another story, another day) as my arms grow weary and sore, I try to take my mind off of what I am doing and think of other things. The spackle starts flinging it glops before it dawns on me that angry thoughts and spackling upside down don't really go together!

Glop, glop, glop! I can't wait for this project to be OVER! Sell, sell, sell! I want this house to sell so we can move, move, move and Bart and I can travel, travel, travel! Mmmmmm, mediterranean, much nicer thoughts to spackle by.

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