I really admire the local posting community that I’ve been reading. For the most part they are people who write well. Sure, a red pencil could come out, however, the red ink has always ticked me off. It seems to silence soooo many people and so many items that are red lined are completely arbitrary. One English Prof wants punctuation whenever the writer pauses. Another doesn’t want a comma unless you can prove its needed but feels a paragraph isn’t complete unless it has one semi-colon. Sure, there are rules but as we all know there are exceptions to the rules. And the kid that goes to the PA’s study group is going to get graded more lenient.
I am of the mind that grades just don’t matter. I was almost always on the Dean’s list so I do not say this because of being on the receiving end of poor grades. Quite the opposite. I was on the receiving end of, often, undeserved good grades. In high school I skated. It is one of the main reasons my kids never went. High school in the USA is where young adults go to be babysat for 40 hours a week while they plot revenge on the society who sentenced them there and then we promptly forget it as middle aged adults with high school age kids. TEACHER! Leave those kids alone!
I don’t care if they’re punctuating correctly. I do like them to publish more often. If I’m investing time into getting to know them I don’t like to suddenly be denied the knowledge of what they are thinking about. On the flip side of that the idea that someone might be annoyed that I haven’t written something new in a week or two flips me out. I have too many obligations as it is. Who cares if some nameless, faceless person is annoyed with me? Uh-oh, what if … [imagination runs wild] it’s a potential client or friend or I could have done some good or now I left a bad impression?GASP!
LOL! It’s a blog. I haven’t written anything important or earth shattering. Sure, I am annoyed when someone I read hasn’t published but it hasn’t made me want physical challenge or to not do business with them, etc… I am going to try to publish daily. If I don’t, read a back issue of the Guy’s, or MO3s, or …. Go read what they’re writing about you know who over on one of the forums.
CB, thanks for the plug and the kind words. Don't let posting a daily article burn you out. Be kind to yourself. If you have nothing, just drop in and say hi. Your readers will love you for it.
Blogs for many are extended families, and you like knowing that everyone in your family is OK, right? Well your devoted readers what to know you are OK as well.
Anyone who writes or is at all concerned with punctuation should read the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."
Also in my article tomorrow I take on English and Writing majors.
Hey, what's the story on the interesting photo above this article?
Click on the picture and it will take you to the story. The two on the right in the back are my daughters. They are in India with their friends and they have just built that solar oven.
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